Karine Vanasse | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)

Highest Rated: 95% Bones of Crows (2022)

Lowest Rated: 17% Head in the Clouds (2004)

Birthday: Nov 24, 1983

Birthplace: Drummondville, Québec, Canada

A talented, charismatic actress, Karine Vanasse achieved international stardom and critical acclaim. Born Nov. 24, 1983 in Drummondville, Québec, Canada, Karine Vanasse won a Gémeaux Award for hosting the kids' science series, "Les débrouillards" (TFO, 1990-2003), but ascended to movie stardom with the starring role in Léa Pool's powerful "Emporte-moi" ("Set Me Free") (1999), the coming-of-age tale of an unusually intelligent and sensitive 13-year-old tomboy. Recognized as a major find, Vanasse won a slew of international honors, including Best Actress Jutra, Chlotrudis, Golden Bayard, Youth Jury and Toronto International Film Festival awards. Back on TV, actress earned a Gémeaux nomination for her supporting turn as a troubled young woman on the drama "2 frères" (TVA, 1999-2001). On the big screen, Vanasse delivered another masterful performance as Donalda, an angelic young woman forced into an unhappy marriage with the titular scoundrel "Séraphin: un homme et son péché" (2002), for which she earned a Best Actress Genie nomination and won another Best Actress Jutra Award. She starred in the miniseries "October 1970" (CBC, 2006), essayed the doomed queen "Marie-Antoinette" (Radio-Canada, 2006), and performed double duty as producer-actress on "Polytechnique" (2009), winning an Best Actress Genie for her work in the thoughtful, immensely moving analysis of the tragic real-life "Montréal Massacre." Receiving an international profile boost, Vanasse appeared in Woody Allen's sleeper hit "Midnight in Paris" (2011) and booked a series regular role as a French flight attendant on the glossy, 1960s-set airline drama "Pan Am" (ABC, 2011-12).

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Highest rated movies

95% Bones of Crows Watchlist 93% 57% Trench 11 Watchlist 88% 77% Polytechnique Watchlist 83% 79% Set Me Free Watchlist 40% 30% French Immersion Watchlist 33% 40% Switch Watchlist 17% 61% Head in the Clouds Watchlist 20% Ma Fille, Mon Ange Watchlist 69% Father and Guns 2 Watchlist 66% Séraphin: Heart of Stone Watchlist


View All Karine Vanasse photos

Karine Vanasse

Karine Vanasse Karine Vanasse Revenge, from left: Madeleine Stowe, Gail O'Grady, Nick Wechsler, Karine Vanasse, 'Disgrace', Season 3, Ep. #16, 03/23/2014, ©ABC Revenge, Joshua Bowman (L), Karine Vanasse (R), 'Disgrace', Season 3, Ep. #16, 03/23/2014, ©ABC Revenge, Nick Wechsler (L), Karine Vanasse (R), 'Disgrace', Season 3, Ep. #16, 03/23/2014, ©ABC Revenge, Karine Vanasse, 'Disgrace', Season 3, Ep. #16, 03/23/2014, ©ABC Revenge, Karine Vanasse, 'Bait', Season 4, Ep. #15, 03/08/2015, ©ABC Revenge, Karine Vanasse, 'Bait', Season 4, Ep. #15, 03/08/2015, ©ABC Revenge, Karine Vanasse, 'Bait', Season 4, Ep. #15, 03/08/2015, ©ABC Revenge, Karine Vanasse, 'Epitaph', Season 4, Ep. #11, 01/04/2015, ©ABC View more photos



No Score Yet No Score Yet Ru Unknown (Character) - 2023
No Score Yet No Score Yet Family Game Émilie (Character) - 2022
95% No Score Yet Bones of Crows Sister Ruth (Character) - 2022
No Score Yet 43% Felix and the Hidden Treasure Morgäa/Madeleine (Voice) - 2021
No Score Yet No Score Yet Malek Geneviève (Character) - 2019
93% 57% Trench 11 Veronique (Character) - 2017
No Score Yet 69% Father and Guns 2 Alice (Character) $4.8M 2017
No Score Yet No Score Yet Worst Case, We Get Married Isabelle (Character) - 2017
No Score Yet 60% Paul in Quebec Producer - 2015
No Score Yet No Score Yet Buddha's Little Finger Anna (Character) - 2015
No Score Yet 40% Turning Tide Mag Embling (Character) - 2013
No Score Yet 49% All the Wrong Reasons Kate Ascher (Character) - 2013
No Score Yet No Score Yet The Carbon Rush Narrator - 2012
40% 30% French Immersion Julie Tremblay (Character) - 2011
33% 40% Switch Sophie Malaterre (Character) - 2011
No Score Yet 10% I'm Yours Daphne (Character) - 2011
No Score Yet 21% Angle mort Stéphanie (Character) - 2011
No Score Yet 58% L'Enfant prodige Unknown (Character) - 2010
No Score Yet No Score Yet Rhonda's Party Amy (Character) - 2010
88% 77% Polytechnique Valérie (Character),
- 2009
No Score Yet 20% Ma Fille, Mon Ange Nathalie Dagenais (Character) - 2007
No Score Yet 44% Marie-Antoinette Marie-Antoinette (Character) - 2006
No Score Yet 67% Without Her Camille (Character) - 2005
17% 61% Head in the Clouds Lisette (Character) $398.2K 2004
No Score Yet 66% Séraphin: Heart of Stone Donalda Laloge (Character) - 2002
No Score Yet No Score Yet Du pic au coeur Alice (Character) - 2000
83% 79% Set Me Free Hanna (Character) $73.4K 1999


88% 85% Cardinal Lise Delorme (Character) 2017-2020
59% 87% God Friended Me Audrey Grenelle (Guest Star) 2019
69% 78% Revenge Margaux LeMarchal (Character),
Unknown (Guest Star)
70% 72% Pan Am Colette (Character) 2011-2012
Karine Vanasse | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)


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